Health Services

Health Services

The Health Services Department of Faribault Public Schools recognizes the close relationship between a student’s health and their ability to learn. Our Health Services staff are committed to providing the best health services possible to all students at all levels every day.

We do this by:

  • Promoting a safe school environment
  • Provide basic vision, and hearing screening
  • Provide prevention and control methods for communicable disease
  • Provide first aid and emergency care
  • Monitor and assist students with chronic or acute health conditions
  • Identify health concerns and collaborate with parents, students and staff to bring about the best possible outcome for the  student’s learning process
picture of health building blocks


Health Guidelines & Requirements

If You Get Sick: 

Even if you practice these core prevention strategies, you may still catch a virus and develop respiratory symptoms. If that happens, the updated CDC Guidance recommends two actions: 

Step 1: Stay at home. As much as possible, you should stay home and away from others until at least 24 hours after both: 
1. Your symptoms are getting better overall, and 
2. You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).

This advice is similar to what has been recommended for flu for decades and will help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses during the most contagious period after infection. Not all respiratory virus infections result in a fever, so paying attention to other symptoms (cough, muscle aches, etc.) is important as you determine when you are well enough to leave home. If your symptoms are getting better, and stay better for 24 hours, you are less likely to pass your infection to others and you can start getting back to your daily routine and move on to step 2. 

Step 2: Resume normal activities, and use added prevention strategies over the next five days, such as taking more steps for cleaner air, enhancing your hygiene practices, wearing a well-fitting mask, keeping a distance from others, and/or getting tested for respiratory viruses. People can choose to use these prevention strategies at any time. Since some people remain contagious beyond the “stay-at-home” period, taking added precautions can lower the chance of spreading respiratory viruses to others. Updates on respiratory illness and vaccine-preventable diseases. 
People who are at higher risk for severe illness who start to feel sick should seek health care right away so that they can access testing and/or treatment. Early treatment for COVID-19 or flu may prevent severe disease in people at higher risk, even if they are up to date with their vaccines.

Child Illness

Students who become ill during the school day are to report to the Health Office.  If it is necessary for a student to be sent home, the health office staff will inform and secure permission from a parent, guardian, or parent authorized person to release them from school.  


Please call your child's attendance line to report their absences including the reason and symptoms that are keeping them home.



High School -507-333-6102
Middle School-507-333-6302
Jefferson- 507-333-6501
Roosevelt- 507-333-6701



Your child should stay home if he/she:

  • Has had a fever of 100 degrees or more, and should remain at home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without medication to keep the temperature down.
  • Has vomited or has had diarrhea.
  • Has a persistent cough.
  • Has a rash without physician’s diagnosis.
  • Has open or draining skin sores.
  • Has inflamed or draining eyes or ears.
  • Has conjuntivitis/pink eye with presence of drainage and/or fever.
  • Has strep, should remain home until prescription medication has been taken for at least 12 hours. 
  • Has or potentially has an infectious disease

Any other questions please call your child's school health office.   

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