About Us

Vision & Mission

Here at the Faribault Area Learning Center we encourage all learners to use their resources to gather information and make well informed decisions.  As an Area Learning Center, we work with learners from multiple districts at all age levels.  Every staff and student at the FALC chooses this educational setting, as a result of this choice students and staff are more invested in learning.  The FALC fosters young adults to become future leaders and productive members of the community. 

About Us

The Faribault Area Learning Center (FALC) is a personalized alternative high school program designed to meet the needs of students who, for a variety of reasons, are not successful in the traditional school setting.  The FALC was created in 1975 to better meet the needs of a changing student population.

  • Graduation from high school and pursuing a postsecondary education or gainful employment remains the primary focus of the FALC.  
  • Students who graduate from the FALC earn a Faribault High School Diploma.

Contact Us

Jake Hagar,
Director of the Faribault Area Learning Center
507-333-6186 | Email

Maria Garcia,
507-333-6187 | Email

Student Profile

A fallacy of Area Learning Centers is that they are behavioral programs. This is incorrect. Students who choose to come to an ALC have experienced some type of circumstance which makes completing their education in a traditional setting more difficult. To attend an Area Learning Center students need to meet one or more of the following criteria as stipulated in ALC legislation (M.S. 124D.68):

  • performs substantially below performance on local achievement  tests and/or MCA tests
  • is pregnant or is a parent
  • Social Service issues
  • is a victim of physical or sexual abuse
  • has experienced physical health problems
  • has been assessed as chemically dependent
  • has experienced mental health problems
  • has withdrawn from school or has been chronically truant
  • is behind in completing credit for graduation
  • alienated from school
  • has been excluded or expelled by a school district
  • has experienced homelessness sometime within six months before requesting a transfer to an eligible program
  • speaks English as a second language or is an English Learner


graduation cap picture
image of classroom
image of student artwork
fps catchphrase